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Lindsey Williams

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Deltreice Gates

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Beatriz H. Martinez E.

I’m a community-focused leader seeking to build community power and hope. I believe that if our communities need change, it has to come within the community itself. To accomplish that, I thrive on building collaborations and partnerships that advance the health and well-being of all in Minnesota.

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Dieudonne   Desmond Grady



Diedonne states:  Purify yourself from everything that contaminates the body, soul and Spirit. NO ONE is ever too broken, too Scarred, or too far gone to create change. Never stop fighting. Never lose faith. Say NO to Addiction. 


Desmond states:  When we help those in need,  it allows others to help others in need.

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I'm so pleased that our School of Nursing team is partnering with so many organizations with the help of Hue-MAN around our opioids in the community work.

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Robin Austin

I am so grateful the School of Nursing team has been able to partner and collaborate with Hue-MAN and many organizations around our opioid and community strengths work

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Audua Pugh

Change will not come if I wait for some other person or some other time because I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.

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Leslie Rogers

Diana Hawkins, Executive Director, states:  We all face challenges and changes as we get older but we get wiser. I want to follow my heart and have the greatest opportunities as well as embrace my boldest dreams and turn them into realties. I want to be able to reach beyond what society says you are expected to do and focus on my studies, job, community and family.


Leslie Rogers states:  In my current role as a Office Coordinator, I have learned what it’s like to work in a nonprofit setting and also helping others in the community.

My hope is that we’re able to normalize conversations about donation and end-of-life choices, and everyone shares their decisions with the people they love. I’m working toward a community where people no longer die waiting for an organ transplant because everyone says yes to donation and shares the gift of life.

Karen A. Monsen, PhD, RN, FAMIA, FAAN

Off The Blue Couch is grateful to be a part of this wonderfully diverse community with its beautiful array of individuals and culture. Our goal is to help communities one person at a time with our healing and transformational initiatives, which gives hope for the future!

Diana Hawkins

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Warren S. Carey, Pastor

Tree of Life Family Church is a multi-ethnic ministry mandated by God to develop and nurture fervent followers of Jesus Christ that will intentionally reach out and impact their families, the Twin Cities, the nation, and the World for God. It is our goal as a ministry to focus on the health needs of our communities in the areas of Obesity, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, and Mental Health.

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Pursuing equality of opportunity and equity in outcomes are among the highest potential achievements of democracy. Such accomplishments require that we ask fundamental questions about ourselves as individuals and social beings. Who is the “We the people” who hold self-evident truths? Our responsibilities to each other must be recognized as the cornerstone of public health. Participating in HUE-Man and other community actions allows us to start considering ways to reduce not only disparities but the causes of disparities.

Milton "Mickey" Eder, PhD

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Guided by a commitment to sustainability, a desire to empower through education, and a focus on accountability, WellShare partners with communities and health care providers to design, implement, and evaluate health programs that respond to the needs of each population we serve.

Our life-changing work takes place in both Minnesota and East Africa, enabling us to reduce health disparities and provide community members with the essential knowledge and care they need to take charge of their own health.

Jim Hart, Board Member

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“Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and inhumane.” 
— Martin Luther King, Jr. (1966)

Dorothea Harris, MSW, LICSW 

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