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We are seeking nominations of African Americans who have shown real leadership and serve as an advocate for African American youth, men and the community whenever the opportunity presented itself.


The goal of the Sons Of Bransford or SOB Awards is to recognize Black men and now womenthat have had a positive impact on the social conditions of the community and the lives of individuals through their quiet and not so quiet leadership. That deserves to be given honor and recognition in celebration of their achievements in spite of their trials and tribulations that others can draw strength, courage and hope from them as peaceful warriors. In the spirit of the award namesake Jim Bransford like him who are worthy of receiving their flowers while they can still smell them! 


”..As for the best leaders, the people do not notice their existence...When the best leader's work is done the people say, We did it ourselves!" - Lao-tsu


Partner Award

to recognize and affirm the outstanding contributions made by one African American female 31 or older. Who is respected for their work in the African American community and has demonstrated positive formal and/or informal mentoring and leadership.

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Young Leader Award

to recognize and affirm the outstanding contributions made by African American young person between the ages of 18 – 30. Who motivates others as a positive community role model and encourages the development of future leaders in the African American community.

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John Turnipseed Mentor Award

to recognize and affirm the outstanding contributions made by one African American male 31 or older.  Who is respected for their work in the African American community and has demonstrated positive formal and/or informal mentoring and leadership.

Alice O. Lynch Community Service Award

to recognize and affirm the outstanding contributions made by one African American female, who is respected for their service to the African American community and has demonstrated positive formal and/or informal mentoring and leadership.

James E. Bransford Community Service Award

to recognize and affirm the outstanding contributions made by one African American male, who is respected for their service to the African American community and has demonstrated positive formal and/or informal mentoring and leadership.

Go online at to nominate someone or return your ballot by email to:


by April 26, 2024

Final nominees will notify by May 10, 2024


Announcement of Winners

Award winners will be announced and recognized at the

17th Annual Sons of Bransford Awards Dinner, on June 20th at 5:30 p.m. at

Metro State University, St. Paul Campus, Main Great Hall

700 East 7th St., St. Paul, MN 55106


For more information, contact Sam Simmons at 612-721-0106 or

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